C++ library for multi-dimensional arrays
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Friends | List of all members
array< T, Shape, Alloc > Class Template Reference

#include <array.h>

Public Types

using allocator_type = Alloc
using alloc_traits = std::allocator_traits< Alloc >
using value_type = T
using reference = value_type &
using const_reference = const value_type &
using pointer = typename alloc_traits::pointer
using const_pointer = typename alloc_traits::const_pointer
using shape_type = Shape
using index_type = typename Shape::index_type
using shape_traits_type = shape_traits< Shape >
using copy_shape_traits_type = copy_shape_traits< Shape, Shape >
using size_type = size_t

Public Member Functions

 array ()
 array (const Alloc &alloc)
 array (const Shape &shape, const T &value, const Alloc &alloc)
 array (const Shape &shape, const T &value)
 array (const Shape &shape, const Alloc &alloc)
 array (const Shape &shape)
 array (const array &other)
 array (const array &other, const Alloc &alloc)
 array (array &&other)
 array (array &&other, const Alloc &alloc)
arrayoperator= (const array &other)
arrayoperator= (array &&other)
void assign (const array &other)
void assign (array &&other)
void assign (Shape shape, const T &value)
const Alloc & get_allocator () const
reference operator[] (const index_type &indices)
const_reference operator[] (const index_type &indices) const
template<class... Args, class = enable_if_all_indices<Args...>>
reference operator() (Args...indices)
template<class... Args, class = enable_if_all_indices<Args...>>
const_reference operator() (Args...indices) const
template<class... Args, class = enable_if_any_slices<Args...>>
auto operator[] (const std::tuple< Args... > &args)
template<class... Args, class = enable_if_any_slices<Args...>>
auto operator() (Args...args)
template<class... Args, class = enable_if_any_slices<Args...>>
auto operator[] (const std::tuple< Args... > &args) const
template<class... Args, class = enable_if_any_slices<Args...>>
auto operator() (Args...args) const
template<class Fn , class = internal::enable_if_callable<Fn, reference>>
void for_each_value (Fn &&fn)
template<class Fn , class = internal::enable_if_callable<Fn, const_reference>>
void for_each_value (Fn &&fn) const
pointer base ()
const_pointer base () const
pointer data ()
const_pointer data () const
const Shape & shape () const
template<size_t D, class = enable_if_dim<D>>
const auto & dim () const
const nda::dim dim (size_t d) const
size_type size () const
bool empty () const
bool is_compact () const
void clear ()
void reshape (Shape new_shape)
void set_shape (const Shape &new_shape, index_t offset=0)
const auto & i () const
const auto & j () const
const auto & k () const
const auto & x () const
const auto & y () const
const auto & z () const
const auto & c () const
const auto & w () const
index_t width () const
index_t height () const
index_t channels () const
index_t rows () const
index_t columns () const
bool operator!= (const array &other) const
bool operator== (const array &other) const
void swap (array &other)
array_ref< T, Shape > ref ()
const_array_ref< T, Shape > cref () const
const_array_ref< T, Shape > ref () const
 operator array_ref< T, Shape > ()
 operator const_array_ref< T, Shape > () const
template<std::size_t R = rank(), typename = std::enable_if_t<R == 0>>
 operator reference ()
template<std::size_t R = rank(), typename = std::enable_if_t<R == 0>>
 operator const_reference () const

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr size_t rank ()
static constexpr bool is_scalar ()


template<typename NewShape , typename T2 , typename OldShape , typename Alloc2 >
array< T2, NewShape, Alloc2 > move_reinterpret_shape (array< T2, OldShape, Alloc2 > &&from, const NewShape &new_shape, index_t offset)
template<typename NewShape , typename T2 , typename OldShape , typename Alloc2 >
array< T2, NewShape, Alloc2 > move_reinterpret_shape (array< T2, OldShape, Alloc2 > &&from, index_t offset)

Detailed Description

template<class T, class Shape, class Alloc = std::allocator<T>>
class nda::array< T, Shape, Alloc >

A multi-dimensional array container that owns an allocation of memory.

Member Typedef Documentation

using allocator_type = Alloc

Type of the allocator used to allocate memory in this array.

using value_type = T

Type of the values stored in this array.

using shape_type = Shape

Type of the shape of this array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

array ( )

Construct an array with a default constructed Shape. Most shapes are empty by default, but a Shape with non-zero compile-time constants for all extents will be non-empty.

array ( const Shape &  shape,
const T &  value,
const Alloc &  alloc 

Construct an array with a particular shape, allocated by alloc. All elements in the array are copy-constructed from value.

array ( const Shape &  shape,
const Alloc &  alloc 

Construct an array with a particular shape, allocated by alloc, with default constructed elements.

array ( const array< T, Shape, Alloc > &  other)

Copy construct from another array other, using copy's allocator. This is a deep copy of the contents of other.

array ( const array< T, Shape, Alloc > &  other,
const Alloc &  alloc 

Copy construct from another array other. The array is allocated using alloc. This is a deep copy of the contents of other.

array ( array< T, Shape, Alloc > &&  other)

Move construct from another array other. If the allocator of this array is propagate_on_container_move_assignment or the allocators of both arrays are equal this operation moves the allocation of other to this array, and the other array becomes a default constructed array. Otherwise, each element is move-constructed into a new allocation.

array ( array< T, Shape, Alloc > &&  other,
const Alloc &  alloc 

Move construct from another array other. If the allocator of this array and the other array are equal, this operation moves the allocation of other to this array, and the other array becomes a default constructed array. If the allocator of this and the other array are non-equal, each element is move-constructed into a new allocation.

Member Function Documentation

static constexpr size_t rank ( )

The number of dims in the shape of this array.

static constexpr bool is_scalar ( )

True if the rank of this array is 0.

array& operator= ( const array< T, Shape, Alloc > &  other)

Assign the contents of the array as a copy of other. The array is deallocated if the allocator cannot be propagated on assignment. The array is then reallocated if necessary, and each element in the array is copy constructed from other.

array& operator= ( array< T, Shape, Alloc > &&  other)

Assign the contents of the array by moving from other. If the allocator can be propagated on move assignment, the allocation of other is moved in an O(1) operation. If the allocator cannot be propagated, each element is move-assigned from other.

void assign ( const array< T, Shape, Alloc > &  other)

Assign the contents of the array to be a copy or move of other. The array is destroyed, reallocated if necessary, and then each element is copy- or move-constructed from other.

void assign ( Shape  shape,
const T &  value 

Assign the contents of this array to have shape with each element copy constructed from value.

const Alloc& get_allocator ( ) const

Get the allocator used to allocate memory for this buffer.

reference operator[] ( const index_type &  indices)

Get a reference to the element at indices.

auto operator[] ( const std::tuple< Args... > &  args)

Create an array_ref from this array using indices or intervals args. Dimensions corresponding to indices in args are sliced, i.e. the result will not have this dimension. The rest of the dimensions are cropped.

void for_each_value ( Fn &&  fn)

Call a function with a reference to each value in this array. The order in which fn is called is undefined to enable optimized memory accesses.

pointer base ( )

Pointer to the element at the min index of the shape.

pointer data ( )

Pointer to the element at the beginning of the flat array. This is equivalent to base() if all of the strides of the shape are positive.

const Shape& shape ( ) const

Shape of this array.

void clear ( )

Reset the shape of this array to default. If the default constructed Shape is empty, the array will be empty. If the default constructed Shape is non-empty, the elements of the array will be default constructed.

void reshape ( Shape  new_shape)

Reallocate the array, and move the intersection of the old and new shapes to the new array.

void set_shape ( const Shape &  new_shape,
index_t  offset = 0 

Change the shape of the array to new_shape, and move the base pointer by offset. This function is disabled for non-trivial types, because it does not call the destructor or constructor for newly inaccessible or newly accessible elements, respectively.

const auto& i ( ) const

Provide some aliases for common interpretations of dimensions i, j, k as dimensions 0, 1, 2, respectively.

const auto& x ( ) const

Provide some aliases for common interpretations of dimensions x, y, z or c, w as dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively.

index_t width ( ) const

Assuming this array represents an image with dimensions width, height, channels, get the extent of those dimensions.

index_t rows ( ) const

Assuming this array represents a matrix with dimensions {rows, cols}, get the extent of those dimensions.

bool operator!= ( const array< T, Shape, Alloc > &  other) const

Compare the contents of this array to other. For two arrays to be considered equal, they must have the same shape, and all elements addressable by the shape must also be equal.

void swap ( array< T, Shape, Alloc > &  other)

Swap the contents of two arrays. This performs zero copies or moves of individual elements.

array_ref<T, Shape> ref ( )

Make an array_ref referring to the data in this array.

operator reference ( )

Implicit conversion to T for scalar shaped arrays.

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