C++ library for multi-dimensional arrays
Public Member Functions | List of all members
index_iterator Class Reference

#include <array.h>

Public Member Functions

 index_iterator (index_t i)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_t operator* () const
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE bool operator== (const index_iterator &r) const
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE bool operator!= (const index_iterator &r) const
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iterator operator++ (int)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iterator operator-- (int)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iteratoroperator++ ()
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iteratoroperator-- ()
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iteratoroperator+= (index_t r)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iteratoroperator-= (index_t r)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iterator operator+ (index_t r)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_iterator operator- (index_t r)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_t operator- (const index_iterator &r)
NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_t operator[] (index_t n) const

Detailed Description

An iterator representing an index.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

index_iterator ( index_t  i)

Construct the iterator with an index i.

Member Function Documentation

NDARRAY_INLINE NDARRAY_HOST_DEVICE index_t operator* ( ) const

Access the current index of this iterator.

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